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At times, children may have experiences that they are unable to think about and put into words. In some cases, they may feel distress without having the tools to understand why they are feeling this way. Often their distress may be expressed through their behaviour. At other times, children might be able to talk about their feelings but may feel overwhelmed and ‘stuck’ in negative patterns.  The difficulties a child faces may impact on his or her overall development, or they may affect specific areas of their functioning, such as family life, peer relations and school.


Through carefully observing and responding to a child’s play and communications, the child psychotherapist aims to build an in-depth, shared understanding of the child’s overall development and personality, including strengths, weaknesses and ways of relating. The aim of child psychotherapy is to support the child to find new, more adaptive ways of expressing and regulating his or her emotional state, in the hope that this will enable him or her to build and sustain more positive and secure relationships with adults and peers. Thus, child psychotherapy aims to promote individual development, to help children reach their full potential and build resilience and self-esteem.


As child psychotherapists, we are trained to work with children, parents and families, who may consult us with a range of conditions and concerns.  These  include:


  • Sadness and constant worry

  • Anxiety and a variety of specific fears and/or phobias

  • Aggressive and violent behaviour, including forceful tantrums and overwhelming anger

  • Insecurity, intense shyness and lack of confidence

  • Separation difficulties, including when settling into new environments

  • School refusal

  • Problems in attachment relationships with family members

  • Difficulties related to eating, which may take various forms (not eating enough / overeating / extreme fussy eating etc.)

  • Sleeping difficulties

  • Oppositional behaviour

  • Difficulties forming and maintaining friendships

  • Learning difficulties

  • Underachievement at school

  • Self-harm

  • Suicidal thoughts and/or suicide attempts

  • Neurodevelopmental difficulties

  • Specific difficulties related to looked-after and adopted children and young people, many of whom have suffered extended neglect and abuse

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